Fuel injection pump plunger 1305-518 & fuel injection pump plunger 1305-554

Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 1305-518 Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 1305-554 Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131101-0420 Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131101-0620 Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131101-0720 Fuel Injection Pump Plunger 131101-6920 Wha/tsa/pp:+86/133/8690/ 1236 e-m-a-il eric at china-lutong dot net POD This is Eric from China Lutong Parts factory.China Lutong has been manufacturing fuel system components since 1992. China Lutong Fuel Systems business enables engines to meet increasing emissions requirements while maximizing fuel economy and performance.The main components of the fuel system include Head Rotor for VE pump, CAV DPA/ DPS/DP200 pump & Yanmar Diesel Engine, injector Nozzle, Plunger And Barrel, Delivery Valves in Fuel Inject. Controls & Parts.


  • Estado: DF
  • Município: Brasília
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